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Here is some case I never really cracked

iAccording to AK , the officer star will be used for husband, lover, boyfriend only if it s a girl who is the querent , and the boy will use wealth star only too.

but according to alex chu , the Officer star (R star using his terminology) is only used for trouble (if it s a male querent) , even if officer star is on self line , and even when wealth star produce officer star

then he show a lot of different exemple for this, but one of his example show that he used Officer star on self line was ok because he didn't thought about dating the girl (he was the querent for himself) , even thought he loved the girl. And it s seems that the situation turned well for him (it was pleasant and the girl visited him)

according to some other master , it s said that the Officer star on self line is OK (for male querent) only if it is on self line  because it represent husband and if the querent is asking about love relationship (even if he is not already her husband but for exemple her lover)  but not ok when the self line doesn't have the officer star (even if the self line sit on the wealth line or child line)

also alex chiu said that the U line represent the heart of the girl , then it is even more confusing and difficult to interpret the hex

my personnal experience is that when the Wealth is on self line , it s ok but doesn't mean that they are officially together (like presented to parent and so on ) when the self line has the officer line it mean they are officaly together , I m not sure what to think about the U line (object line)  representing the heart of the girl , sometime it s useful , sometime not , . Also when the object line turn into children star it s also useful for love

I would said that i m not sure if the useful god is officer on self line , or wealth on self line (or maybe child on self line) in point of view of the male querent as lover of a female

what do you think ? what s your experience about it ?

Someone want to know what to think about her friend joining some activist movement, should her also join that thing ?

出生:没填 年 性别:男 占事:没填
公历起卦时间:2019年2月26日21时35分 (手工指定)
干支:己亥年 丙寅月 甲午日 乙亥时  (日空:辰巳)
神煞:驿马-申 桃花-卯 日禄-寅 贵人-丑,未

          离宫:离为火 (六冲)     离宫:火山旅     
六神  伏神   本    卦         变    卦
玄武       兄弟己巳火 ▅▅▅▅▅ 世    兄弟己巳火 ▅▅▅▅▅  
白虎       子孙己未土 ▅▅ ▅▅     子孙己未土 ▅▅ ▅▅  
腾蛇       妻财己酉金 ▅▅▅▅▅     妻财己酉金 ▅▅▅▅▅ 应
勾陈       官鬼己亥水 ▅▅▅▅▅ 应    妻财丙申金 ▅▅▅▅▅  
朱雀       子孙己丑土 ▅▅ ▅▅     兄弟丙午火 ▅▅ ▅▅  
青龙       父母己卯木 ▅▅▅▅▅   ○→    子孙丙辰土 ▅▅ ▅▅ 世

the self and object line are counter each other, mean that her friend disagree with the querent view - officer control brother line - ,  the object line has Isolation deity   隔神   gé shén   bgk pyj , Heavenly Prison   天狱   tiān yù   gd qtyd  , Grand Duke   太岁   tài suì   dy mqu   From Year Branch, Day Separation   日喝散   rì hē sàn   jjjj kjq aet   that is strong bad star, interrresting that she has no good star at all in her line . It mean that it will be very difficult for her to have what she want.

the first moving line produce the querent. If the friend want her join, then the yong sheng in point of view of friend would be the Parent star , its good that the moving line is on Parent star therefore. it has the 4.Inner Solver   内解   nèi jiě   mw qev   in it but too weak . Nevertheless it has the .Heaven Virtue   天德星   tiān dé xīng   gd tfl jtg  .  The transformed line has Four Seasons Amnesty   四季天赦   sì jì tiān shè   lh tb gd fot    From Month Branch that  Transforms misfortune to good fortune but has also Four Seasons Robbery star   四季天贼   sì jì tiān zéi   lh tb gd madt  (besides other minors stars) . Finally the  子孙 mean that nothing will happen so all in all there is a problem about joining a activist movement, because it mean to change thing , but if the transformed line has not what it take to change the social situation, how can it change ?
. Finally ,  Also  The ying sheng fourth line have the enemy star as it is qi cai 妻财己酉金. Also the object line is in weak position , so the materialization will be difficult . 

result : she has been convinced by her friend about the fairness of the movement but when she want to contribute , but it was finally disorganized and cannot solve some fundamental inside contradiction about the idealist approach. Therefore , even her friend begin to doubt the movement and nothing goes forward .

Someone want to know if he can get famous

出生:没填 年 性别:男 占事:没填
公历起卦时间:2019年2月25日21时42分 (手工指定)
干支:己亥年 丙寅月 癸巳日 癸亥时  (日空:午未)
神煞:驿马-亥 桃花-午 日禄-子 贵人-卯,巳

          艮宫:艮为山 (六冲)     巽宫:山风蛊 (归魂) 
六神  伏神   本    卦         变    卦
白虎       官鬼丙寅木 ▅▅▅▅▅ 世      官鬼丙寅木 ▅▅▅▅▅ 应
腾蛇       妻财丙子水 ▅▅ ▅▅       妻财丙子水 ▅▅ ▅▅  
勾陈       兄弟丙戌土 ▅▅ ▅▅       兄弟丙戌土 ▅▅ ▅▅  
朱雀       子孙丙申金 ▅▅▅▅▅ 应      子孙辛酉金 ▅▅▅▅▅ 世
青龙       父母丙午火 ▅▅ ▅▅   ╳→    妻财辛亥水 ▅▅▅▅▅  
玄武       兄弟丙辰土 ▅▅ ▅▅       兄弟辛丑土 ▅▅ ▅▅  

analyse :  Its  a six strike hex that mean it s a no and it didn't transform into six match , therefore it would be difficult for the querent to get the fame. Shi sheng on third line , object line. The object line also control the self line. The second line has Heavenly Horse   天马   tiān mǎ   gd cn    , .Utter Defeat   暴败   bào bài   jaw mty   , Heaven Adversity   天厄   tiān è   gd dbv    From Year Branch, The moving line is not in favor for the querent, and symbolic star remain same, the second line yongsheng is killed back by the result yao 妻财辛亥水, keeping same symbolic star, therefore the querent will not get the fame he want.

result : the querrent didn't like the fame enjoyed by his competitor , and try to improve his fame and contacted some friend about a plan to higher his reputation. It happen that it did improve a little his reputation , so the original competitor was no more the hype of the day, but at the end o his friend get all the fame and not him (the querent) 

Someone want to know if another person can be cured from  illness 
出生:没填 年 性别:男 占事:没填
公历起卦时间:2019年2月25日13时16分 (手工指定)
干支:己亥年 丙寅月 癸巳日 己未时  (日空:午未)
神煞:驿马-亥 桃花-午 日禄-子 贵人-卯,巳

          乾宫:山地剥         艮宫:艮为山 (六冲) 
六神  伏神   本    卦         变    卦
白虎       妻财丙寅木 ▅▅▅▅▅      妻财丙寅木 ▅▅▅▅▅ 世
腾蛇 兄弟壬申金 子孙丙子水 ▅▅ ▅▅ 世    子孙丙子水 ▅▅ ▅▅  
勾陈       父母丙戌土 ▅▅ ▅▅      父母丙戌土 ▅▅ ▅▅  
朱雀       妻财乙卯木 ▅▅ ▅▅   ╳→ 兄弟丙申金 ▅▅▅▅▅ 应
青龙       官鬼乙巳火 ▅▅ ▅▅ 应    官鬼丙午火 ▅▅ ▅▅  
玄武       父母乙未土 ▅▅ ▅▅      父母丙辰土 ▅▅ ▅▅  

analyse :  The self is on the 子孙丙子水 five line is average and it doesn't move. Self line is on the cure , the shi sheng is on first line and represent the illness of the other person. The third line move from xi sheng to yuang sheng. It move from xi sheng to source god of cure. Therefore it definetly will be cured.  We can see that there is a 4.Heavenly Doctor   天医   tiān yī    gd atd   so
there Is hope For illness if question Is health-related. The third yao line have also a 6.Shining Live star   活曜星   huó yào xīng   itd jnw jtg    From Month Branch , therefore that countering the bad star Banner spirit   旌旗煞. Finally  the 3.Heaven Virtue   天德星   tiān dé xīng   gd tfl jtg  Transforms misfortune to good fortune. So definitely the illness will be cured. But there is six strike hex  in the end , therefore quarrel at the end of the day. It s strange that one person want someone else to be cured and then there is quarrel afterward. We can see that the self line control the object line. So they are at first in disagreement. Some symbolic star about quarrel : There is a 10.Calamity spirit   灾煞   zāi shā   po qvt    that represent sabotage or harm by vile people . But at this time not sure how the quarrel try to happen.

result : the illness has been cured it was minor issue. But it happen that this person try to rob some jewelry from the place of the querent friend,  but he was caught and flee.

ps : We can add that Yin shen has money in mind , looking at six line.  The object line has 3.Heavenly Ear & Eye   天耳天目   tiān ěr tiān mù   gd bgh gd hhhh  about lost item and Separation Deity   喝散神   hē sàn shén   kjq aet pyj   . We can see also that the wealth third line move to brother line that kill him back . Therefore about money matter it s bad sign for the object line.  On the transformed third line the symbolic star has Solitude   孤辰   gū chén   br dfe  , White Tiger spirit   白虎煞   bái hǔ shā   rrr ha qvt    and Moon Solver   月解   yuè jiě   eee qev  , for the robber it mean bad luck and good luck for the virtous (so the querent)

I share some practice , like I did on , with new cast , enjoy :

I thought it could be interresting to share our point of view about interpretation and outcome about question that has been asked during consultation. I open topic the Interpretation of Someone Consultation and Analyse , or the so colled topic ISCA :) . We can also share our question about different element of the hex that are not very clear :)

Someone want to know if it will rain, he hope that it will

出生:没填 年 性别:男 占事:没填
公历起卦时间:2019年2月25日20时3分 (手工指定)
干支:己亥年 丙寅月 癸巳日 壬戌时  (日空:午未)
神煞:驿马-亥 桃花-午 日禄-子 贵人-卯,巳

          巽宫:山雷颐 (游魂)     巽宫:风雷益    
六神  伏神   本    卦         变    卦
白虎       兄弟丙寅木 ▅▅▅▅▅      兄弟辛卯木 ▅▅▅▅▅ 应
腾蛇 子孙辛巳火 父母丙子水 ▅▅ ▅▅   ╳→ 子孙辛巳火 ▅▅▅▅▅  
勾陈       妻财丙戌土 ▅▅ ▅▅ 世    妻财辛未土 ▅▅ ▅▅  
朱雀 官鬼辛酉金 妻财庚辰土 ▅▅ ▅▅      妻财庚辰土 ▅▅ ▅▅ 世
青龙       兄弟庚寅木 ▅▅ ▅▅      兄弟庚寅木 ▅▅ ▅▅  
玄武       父母庚子水 ▅▅▅▅▅ 应    父母庚子水 ▅▅▅▅▅  

analyse : the self is on the 妻财丙戌土  self line, the object line is on the yonsheng 父母庚子水 parent, and is on the zi water , so represent big rain (yin pur water represent cloud ) . self line is on earth storage of fire , represent dry. The five line have the following symbolic star  : .Sun   太阳   tài yáng   dy bj   From Year Branch, .Empty Sky   天空   tiān kōng   gd pw     , alty Lake   咸池煞   xián chí shā   dgk ib qvt    Year Branch, , .Dead-end Path   截路空亡   jié lù kōng wáng   faw kht pw ynv   , Outer Solver   外解   wài jiě   qh qev  ,the outer solver is there but other bad star turn story to another turn, as the sun is bright and empty sky come with it , finally the dead-end-path represent that thing turn in other way that hoped. Therefore it s said that despite some help at first , it won't fullfil the need of rain (water) for that person.  Futhermore  the shi sheng that is moving from water to fire . the strenght of fire is almost maximum , combine with the presence of sun of symobolic star and the dead-en-path and empty sky (represent nothing in sky, so no cloud , so no cloudy sky also ) . It won't fullfil what the person hope for. If there is rain you cannot count on it for your need of water. 

result : it rain in some part of the land but it finish before the place of the consultant.

Someone ask if some of his idea will be good  about his financial situation
出生:没填 年 性别:男 占事:没填
公历起卦时间:2019年4月1日17时21分 (手工指定)
干支:己亥年 丁卯月 戊辰日 辛酉时  (日空:戌亥)
神煞:驿马-寅 桃花-酉 日禄-巳 贵人-丑,未

          震宫:雷水解         离宫:火水未济   
六神  伏神   本    卦         变    卦
朱雀       妻财庚戌土 ▅▅ ▅▅   ╳→ 子孙己巳火 ▅▅▅▅▅ 应
青龙       官鬼庚申金 ▅▅ ▅▅ 应    妻财己未土 ▅▅ ▅▅  
玄武       子孙庚午火 ▅▅▅▅▅      官鬼己酉金 ▅▅▅▅▅  
白虎       子孙戊午火 ▅▅ ▅▅      子孙戊午火 ▅▅ ▅▅ 世
腾蛇       妻财戊辰土 ▅▅▅▅▅ 世    妻财戊辰土 ▅▅▅▅▅  
勾陈 父母庚子水 兄弟戊寅木 ▅▅ ▅▅      兄弟戊寅木 ▅▅ ▅▅  

Analyse , this hex is quiet straight forward,  Self is on the second line on useful god qi cai , wealth line, the only change come from the object line that turn into source of wealth. Then it s good for him, as it support him.  The self line will help the object five line  in his activities and it will permit to gain complete his authorities (official position of object line ) , there will be reward for him because of that . Therefore his idea should be good for him.   The self line is enough strong (identify on day ) , even if it s control by month. The shi sheng is on five line where object line is and it is on position of official and green dragon , therefore related to law or any official authorities .

Someone ask if he can pass an examination

出生:没填 年 性别:男 占事:没填
公历起卦时间:2019年4月1日23时24分 (手工指定)
干支:己亥年 丁卯月 己巳日 甲子时  (日空:戌亥)
神煞:驿马-亥 桃花-午 日禄-午 贵人-子,申

          乾宫:天地否 (六合)     坤宫:水天需 (游魂) 
六神  伏神   本    卦         变    卦
勾陈       父母壬戌土 ▅▅▅▅▅ 应 ○→ 子孙戊子水 ▅▅ ▅▅  
朱雀       兄弟壬申金 ▅▅▅▅▅      父母戊戌土 ▅▅▅▅▅  
青龙       官鬼壬午火 ▅▅▅▅▅   ○→ 兄弟戊申金 ▅▅ ▅▅ 世
玄武       妻财乙卯木 ▅▅ ▅▅ 世 ╳→ 父母甲辰土 ▅▅▅▅▅  
白虎       官鬼乙巳火 ▅▅ ▅▅   ╳→ 妻财甲寅木 ▅▅▅▅▅  
腾蛇 子孙甲子水 父母乙未土 ▅▅ ▅▅   ╳→ 子孙甲子水 ▅▅▅▅▅ 应

analyse : The self is on the unfriendly god and become useful god , it sgood sign. There is a lot of change inside this hex, it s a lot to worries for the asker, also there is bad change in hex in first and second line, . The examiner won"t be satisfied with in the end of the day (change from object line turn into foe god ). So finally I would said it will be difficult.

I m  not very into bazi , I would like to know what do you think about this bazi , especially about wealth , romance and health and talent if there is some :

I would said that I have heard some bazi from traditionnal school but was very disappointed because too vague and have error . I m not familiar at all with mangpai , could it really  advise very detailed and personnalized way on wealth , on  talent and  give a better understanding of someone destiny ?   luck ? and inner talent-self ?  and finally free will part  ? (as destiny is commonly divided in 3 parts , date of birth, environnement, free will decision according to traditionnal theory ) . Humbly ask if JLim could also have look at it and what he think about these philosophical question ?

ding wei hour , day master ding chou , month ren xu , year gui hai  - Male
 16 october 1983 ,time of birth 14:07

Liu Yao Case Studies / six animal 六神 Gou chen or Qi lin ?
« on: March 29, 2019, 04:13:42 PM »
I saw sometime the yellow Gou chen animal and some time the yellow QI lin . What is the correct one ? I have learned that it was Gou Chen , as Qi lin is faboulous animal that is here to protect and to do justice. But Gou Chen is curvy like a scorpion idea.  Or is there other Qilin with Gou Chen -like aspect ?

 I open a general topic called  QUIZ where, we can Share our view about topic where we still wait the event to reveal itself , of course we need to be sure that we will have the answer in futur, in order to verify the divination. I suggest if JLim is  ok with it , in the same mind  as his previous QUIZ topic,  that he "   add karma points for correct answer with reasoning"

Someone from different philosophy school of thought  think to go in some place and asked if there would be gossip against him when he applies what he believe there.

出生:没填 年 性别:男 占事:没填
公历起卦时间:2019年3月28日15时4分 (手工指定)
干支:己亥年 丁卯月 甲子日 壬申时  (日空:戌亥)
神煞:驿马-寅 桃花-酉 日禄-寅 贵人-丑,未

          巽宫:风火家人        巽宫:火雷噬嗑   
六神  伏神   本    卦         变    卦
玄武       兄弟辛卯木 ▅▅▅▅▅      子孙己巳火 ▅▅▅▅▅  
白虎       子孙辛巳火 ▅▅▅▅▅ 应 ○→ 妻财己未土 ▅▅ ▅▅ 世
腾蛇       妻财辛未土 ▅▅ ▅▅   ╳→ 官鬼己酉金 ▅▅▅▅▅  
勾陈 官鬼辛酉金 父母己亥水 ▅▅▅▅▅   ○→ 妻财庚辰土 ▅▅ ▅▅  
朱雀       妻财己丑土 ▅▅ ▅▅ 世    兄弟庚寅木 ▅▅ ▅▅ 应
青龙       兄弟己卯木 ▅▅▅▅▅      父母庚子水 ▅▅▅▅▅  

what do you think ?

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