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Messages - anpan

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FREE Life Reading Request / Re: NEED HELP, THANK YOU!
« on: October 18, 2024, 04:46:17 PM »
Thank you for the analysis really appreciate it!

I have 1 more question, what about love? when will I meet her? is marriage gonna happen in near future?

FREE Life Reading Request / Re: NEED HELP, THANK YOU!
« on: October 15, 2024, 03:25:58 PM »
see my AI reply===>Let's break down the Bazi chart to provide insights regarding the person's career prospects, especially focusing on job opportunities abroad and the timing for 2024–2025.

### Bazi Chart Breakdown:
- **Day Master (DM):** The Day Master here is **庚 Metal** (born on the day of **庚午**). **庚 Metal** is strong and resilient but can benefit from more support in terms of structure and opportunities for success.
- **Year Pillar:** **辛未** (Metal over Earth). This combination suggests early life situations where self-reliance and personal efforts are emphasized, with the need for a supportive environment.
- **Month Pillar:** **戊戌** (Earth over Earth), indicating that the person may face career obstacles or limitations when the energy of the pillar becomes too rigid or lacks movement.
- **Hour Pillar:** **丙戌** (Fire over Earth), which introduces fire's energy of creativity, ambition, and drive, but again, the earth is heavy, requiring breakthrough or external support for career development.

### Luck Pillar (2024–2025):
Currently, he is in his **丙申** (Fire over Metal) luck pillar, which started at age 17 and will end at age 28, transitioning into **乙未** (Wood over Earth) at age 28. This shift from **丙申** (Fire-Metal) to **乙未** (Wood-Earth) can provide more movement in his life, especially as Wood nourishes Fire and represents growth, new directions, and expansion.

#### 2024 (甲辰 Year - Wood/Dragon):
- **甲辰** (Wood over Earth) will benefit his **庚 Metal** Day Master, as Wood represents resources and growth opportunities.
- The presence of **辰** (Earth) provides a clash with **戌** (Earth), creating some friction. However, this friction may push him to break through stagnant energy in his career sector.
- Opportunities to travel or relocate may arise, especially if he channels this energy to pursue jobs abroad.

#### 2025 (乙巳 Year - Wood/Snake):
- **乙巳** (Wood over Fire) is a more supportive energy for his **庚 Metal** as it brings wealth (Wood represents resources) and the **Fire** element encourages career movement.
- **巳** (Snake) combines well with **申** (Monkey), which suggests increased opportunities for career expansion abroad, especially by mid to late 2025. Moving abroad or engaging in a foreign environment may open up new avenues for success.

### Career Opportunities Abroad:
- **Wealth Stars** (Wood elements like 甲 and 乙) will be activated in both 2024 and 2025. Since Wood represents wealth and resources, these years are promising for career development and job opportunities, especially abroad.
- **Fire** represents performance and career ambitions. The presence of **Fire** in the coming years (2025 and onward) will enhance his leadership and public-facing roles, which may be crucial in securing a stable job abroad.
### Advice:
1. **Before 2024 ends:** He should intensify his job search efforts, especially from **October 2024 onward**, when the clash between **辰** and **戌** can bring significant change or movement in his life. He might need to be more proactive in applying for positions abroad, as opportunities will not come passively.
2. **2025 Opportunities:** The transition into the **乙未** luck pillar and the **乙巳** year will open up more opportunities for him, particularly for roles abroad. He should expect more promising leads by **mid to late 2025**.

There is good potential for him to find a job abroad, but persistence and taking action before the end of 2024 will be key.

Thanks for the long analysis I really appreciate it.

Well do you have any advice what kind of job should I get? I have a feeling that I would be luckier if work abroad/overseas (outside my hometown cmiiw)
I tried to apply as many as possible jobs available outside but still now respond maybe its because I'm too old and its hard to find a job nowadays. Recently I still try to find many job opportunities and apply all of them, hopefully I can get an offer.

FREE Life Reading Request / NEED HELP, THANK YOU!
« on: October 12, 2024, 12:39:25 PM »
To all masters please kindly help reading my bazi chart, thank you in advance!

27 - 10 - 1991 / 20:00 PM / Jakarta, Indonesia / Male / Single

Currently I am unemployed and still trying to look for a job, I am looking for a career opportunity everywhere including outside my hometown and even abroad, I really hope I could find a good career opportunity abroad since I think its better for me to move abroad rather than staying in my hometown.
I wish to get a good job opportunity in year 2025 or even before year 2024 ends.

Resigned in Nov 2023 ?

No, been unemployed since covid19 2020
Life after covid19 is tough

You have void branch in hour and month pillars. Have you considered to work in these jobs?
- NGO, non-profit, social worker
- Nursing
- Teaching
- Human Resources
- Counselling/Advocacy
- Psychology
- Arts & Design

Anything that is more geared toward emotions, spirituality, interpersonal relationship than commerce.

What is your education background? Any problem at school?

My education background is business management.

Currently I'm just focusing to get a stable career opportunity, I prefer working overseas or at least outside my hometown.

Hello. Your BaZi map is complex. The money is not coming. Plus the influence of  bad pillars of luck. You need the element of Yang Water. These are expensive sales. Or working in the ocean. Try to get a job as a laborer on a ship. Or on an ocean cruise ship.

Do you mean I should get a job related to moving around? Like traveling or working on a cruise/airplane etc?

Hello. You need to work in high-end sales. Where the price of one transaction is high. Or wholesale sales. And your break from work is due to the influence of the year. Things will get better from September.

Noted. So do I still have opportunity to work abroad? Is working in government or get into politics safe and good for me?

Hi Anpan,

What is your profession or work related skills?
That type of work have you previously preformed?
What type of jobs are you currently applying for?



Previously I have been working as a purchasing staff, sales and business development. Currently I am applying as many as possible since I need to get one permanent job first. I really want to work overseas or at least outside my hometown.

Hello. Your BaZi map is complex. The money is not coming. Plus the influence of  bad pillars of luck. You need the element of Yang Water. These are expensive sales. Or working in the ocean. Try to get a job as a laborer on a ship. Or on an ocean cruise ship.

Do you mean I should get a job related to moving around? Like traveling or working on a cruise/airplane etc?

I really need advice for career/money luck in year 2024.
Currently I am unemployed and still applying for any jobs/career available.
I am also looking for opportunity to work abroad/overseas since I always wish to work overseas or at least outside my hometown.

DOB: Male 27.10.1991 20:00 PM Jakarta, Indonesia

I appreciate your help so much!
Thanks! GBU!

Yes, you have good luck working everywhere. The only negative side I can see is a lot of movement/changes overseas. You may hop from one job to another but this is how you build a career.

IMO, similar to freelancers. They can't stay in one job permanently, but they can be permanently self-employed handling temporary jobs from time to time.

Or maybe working on a cruise ship. You're on the sea all the time but it's rewarding.

Can movement/changes means I stay in one job/company but rarely in office? Like always moving around the city or outside town or even overseas? Maybe my job desk related to moving round? Or maybe working a company like traveling, airlines, tour etc?

Sorry, I looked at the wrong chart. I entered your birth hour twice somehow: 27 Feb 2010 at 20:10.  :-[

So, this is the correct one:

Your career is rather unstable during youth. But you will have a long career and it gets better from Jia Wu luck pillar onward.

Your career choice/progress is somewhat influenced by parents. You are also well-liked and easily get helped by your superiors in the workplace. With such protection, I don't think you will ever be in deep trouble.

Wealth is the primary goal in your life, not relationship, fame or career. Even if you have a respectable career or a loving family, it's still easy to feel insecure and jealous at others.

You come across as outgoing and very likable... but I *guess* you always find something to worry about deep inside. Money shouldn't be the only measure of success if you want to be truly happy.

Beware of high socialization cost, overspending, disorganized paperwork and reckless eating habit.

Thank you very much
Should I focus on career or doing business?
Do I have luck working overseas? Or at least outside my hometown

Hi Anpan,

Were you born in East or West Bandung?



West.  :)

1. Male born in Bandung, Indonesia 27/October/1991 20:10hrs
2. I'm not yet married and still single.
3. Unemployed (still looking for a job here and also overseas like Singapore, Malaysia etc.)
4. Luckily have savings to live day by day and buy my own needs.

Can anyone here help read my bazi? I really need some advice especially in work/finance area, I'm like in the middle of nowhere right now.

Thanks!  :)

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