Author Topic: nin99  (Read 9901 times)

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Online coldpillow

Re: nin99
« Reply #75 on: September 23, 2024, 03:55:01 PM »
I was very rich in ji you lp. Not just rich but very, very powerful like all town was mine!
suddenly fall because the lawsuits with my father.

This is your own words a while ago.

The fact remains the same. Good year or bad year, you were thriving and fully secure throughout Ji You LP until the arrival of Wu Shen LP with your father's lawsuit.

I suggest to beware of anything in your father's natal chart except his day pillar. Ji You represents success, while other stems/branches represent your terrible relationship with him. That means you should expect more troubles from pillars like Ding Wei as well.

Are you agree that martial arts can control the mind?

Extremely disagree unless you take Taichi or Wushu.

The most effective way is a combination of psychotherapy and medication from professional help, which often recommends meditation as well.

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #76 on: September 23, 2024, 04:14:59 PM »
Hi @coldpillow
You are very,very fast !
I start to train 3 times perday after 1 training do 30 minutes till 1 hour of taichi and accupresure points

My hair become grey and my pulsează blog up after 140 heart beat per minutes after my mother brrast cancer

I saw results after 4 months no anymore grey hair,no more high rate .

If ding wei will be good what will see you?!
Īn wu shen I start to have an excesive energy.
You think dermatology is good to work try to find my new road īn my life.-I read this job as ding or Bing =beauty and wood
If I will start dentristy  will be good?

I suggest to beware of anything in your father's natal chart except his day pillar. Ji You represents success, while other stems/branches represent your terrible relationship with him. That means you should expect more troubles from pillars like Ding Wei as well.

But īn his lp son is wood representation while he s performance is fire!since my father is īn water lp than the performance is not so great but īn xu lp where will be fire storage than the performance will be great!
I start to have some autonomy against him and then he woll not be able to touch me anymore.

Anyway about taichi I had almost one year
Work on liver and gallbladder
Than bad mood
I can tell you that are some vizibile results.
I didn t tought that is chinesse art s is a miracole like īn my case.
Big change!

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #77 on: September 23, 2024, 04:24:45 PM »
If I am a gui DM than si is fire the wealth star for a gui daymaster
The DM is sitting on the wealth tomb C

Si and this și can be open by zi and chen!
This is auspicious.
Zi and chen combine and both want to control și.
Mao is the Output star is the source of wealth (what creates wealth) as well as the Wealth ,Mao birth ding and Bing.but mao is clash by zi,when this zi can be harmed by wei the contradiction is remove like 2015!wei year!
Zi and chen the water tomb are representations of gui the DM. So, the work of zi  and chen can represent the DM's efforts and desires to obtain success-Bing și and ding
Ren as Robbing Wealth, sitting on top of zi has a good image and ren zi pillar can indicates the outsider people which want to make bussines with me

I think that what demolish zi that attack the source of money or mao like 2014 2015 can bring succes to me.

Īn the past īn 2003 was also a very good year 2004 2015 very good 2016 very bad.

Me personally I want to move īn other country so the influence of my father will be zero

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #78 on: September 24, 2024, 05:28:53 AM »
 @coldpillow where are you from?!what you think about above opinion?

Online coldpillow

Re: nin99
« Reply #79 on: September 24, 2024, 07:04:36 AM »
I have no more opinions. Basically, the last couple of pages are just repetitive.

You can read from page 1 again to start over.

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #80 on: September 24, 2024, 10:49:59 AM »
If I am a gui DM than si is fire the wealth star for a gui daymaster
The DM is sitting on the wealth tomb -as īn some calendar și is ding īn other Bing?!

Si and this și can be open by zi and chen!
This is auspicious.
Zi and chen combine and both want to control și.
Mao is the Output star is the source of wealth (what creates wealth) as well as the Wealth ,Mao birth ding and Bing.but mao is clash by zi,when this zi can be harmed by wei the contradiction is remove like 2015!wei year!
Zi and chen the water tomb are representations of gui the DM. So, the work of zi  and chen can represent the DM's efforts and desires to obtain success-Bing și and ding
Ren as Robbing Wealth, sitting on top of zi has a good image and ren zi pillar can indicates the outsider people which want to make bussines with me

I think that what demolish zi that attack the source of money or mao like 2014 2015 can bring succes to me.

Īn the past īn 2003 was also a very good year 2004 2015 very good 2016 very bad.

Me personally I want to move īn other country so the influence of my father will be zero

@coldpillow about this what you think???
About my reading.

When fire come will have succes īn money and women?!
Look about my father
Ding ji xin ji
Mao you wei chou

He start to make big money in 2006 when my lp was geng xu!
Īn xin hai I broke my head many times accidentaly.

What you think?!
Can you tell me if feng shui can helped?!


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