Author Topic: nin99  (Read 32661 times)

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Online coldpillow

Re: nin99
« Reply #75 on: September 23, 2024, 03:55:01 PM »
I was very rich in ji you lp. Not just rich but very, very powerful like all town was mine!
suddenly fall because the lawsuits with my father.

This is your own words a while ago.

The fact remains the same. Good year or bad year, you were thriving and fully secure throughout Ji You LP until the arrival of Wu Shen LP with your father's lawsuit.

I suggest to beware of anything in your father's natal chart except his day pillar. Ji You represents success, while other stems/branches represent your terrible relationship with him. That means you should expect more troubles from pillars like Ding Wei as well.

Are you agree that martial arts can control the mind?

Extremely disagree unless you take Taichi or Wushu.

The most effective way is a combination of psychotherapy and medication from professional help, which often recommends meditation as well.

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #76 on: September 23, 2024, 04:14:59 PM »
Hi @coldpillow
You are very,very fast !
I start to train 3 times perday after 1 training do 30 minutes till 1 hour of taichi and accupresure points

My hair become grey and my pulsează blog up after 140 heart beat per minutes after my mother brrast cancer

I saw results after 4 months no anymore grey hair,no more high rate .

If ding wei will be good what will see you?!
În wu shen I start to have an excesive energy.
You think dermatology is good to work try to find my new road în my life.-I read this job as ding or Bing =beauty and wood
If I will start dentristy  will be good?

I suggest to beware of anything in your father's natal chart except his day pillar. Ji You represents success, while other stems/branches represent your terrible relationship with him. That means you should expect more troubles from pillars like Ding Wei as well.

But în his lp son is wood representation while he s performance is fire!since my father is în water lp than the performance is not so great but în xu lp where will be fire storage than the performance will be great!
I start to have some autonomy against him and then he woll not be able to touch me anymore.

Anyway about taichi I had almost one year
Work on liver and gallbladder
Than bad mood
I can tell you that are some vizibile results.
I didn t tought that is chinesse art s is a miracole like în my case.
Big change!

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #77 on: September 23, 2024, 04:24:45 PM »
If I am a gui DM than si is fire the wealth star for a gui daymaster
The DM is sitting on the wealth tomb C

Si and this și can be open by zi and chen!
This is auspicious.
Zi and chen combine and both want to control și.
Mao is the Output star is the source of wealth (what creates wealth) as well as the Wealth ,Mao birth ding and Bing.but mao is clash by zi,when this zi can be harmed by wei the contradiction is remove like 2015!wei year!
Zi and chen the water tomb are representations of gui the DM. So, the work of zi  and chen can represent the DM's efforts and desires to obtain success-Bing și and ding
Ren as Robbing Wealth, sitting on top of zi has a good image and ren zi pillar can indicates the outsider people which want to make bussines with me

I think that what demolish zi that attack the source of money or mao like 2014 2015 can bring succes to me.

În the past în 2003 was also a very good year 2004 2015 very good 2016 very bad.

Me personally I want to move în other country so the influence of my father will be zero

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #78 on: September 24, 2024, 05:28:53 AM »
 @coldpillow where are you from?!what you think about above opinion?

Online coldpillow

Re: nin99
« Reply #79 on: September 24, 2024, 07:04:36 AM »
I have no more opinions. Basically, the last couple of pages are just repetitive.

You can read from page 1 again to start over.

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #80 on: September 24, 2024, 10:49:59 AM »
If I am a gui DM than si is fire the wealth star for a gui daymaster
The DM is sitting on the wealth tomb -as în some calendar și is ding în other Bing?!

Si and this și can be open by zi and chen!
This is auspicious.
Zi and chen combine and both want to control și.
Mao is the Output star is the source of wealth (what creates wealth) as well as the Wealth ,Mao birth ding and Bing.but mao is clash by zi,when this zi can be harmed by wei the contradiction is remove like 2015!wei year!
Zi and chen the water tomb are representations of gui the DM. So, the work of zi  and chen can represent the DM's efforts and desires to obtain success-Bing și and ding
Ren as Robbing Wealth, sitting on top of zi has a good image and ren zi pillar can indicates the outsider people which want to make bussines with me

I think that what demolish zi that attack the source of money or mao like 2014 2015 can bring succes to me.

În the past în 2003 was also a very good year 2004 2015 very good 2016 very bad.

Me personally I want to move în other country so the influence of my father will be zero

@coldpillow about this what you think???
About my reading.

When fire come will have succes în money and women?!
Look about my father
Ding ji xin ji
Mao you wei chou

He start to make big money in 2006 when my lp was geng xu!
În xin hai I broke my head many times accidentaly.

What you think?!
Can you tell me if feng shui can helped?!

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #81 on: October 09, 2024, 07:42:14 AM »

What job or what should I work based on my chart?

When he will die than I will die?!

When you think my career luck will improve?!

You can pick any job that you like or you can do well. The problem is, you always need a partner to make it stable and rewarding. Typically a friend, spouse or parents.

If your father is a difficult choice for you, then other choices will have their own difficulty.

If you decide to go solo, your career will be much less satisfactory. You can only hope for peace of mind above all else.

Fire LP will be interesting, still 4 years ahead. Let's see if you will become more certain with yourself and know what to do, where to go.

Thank you,dear @coldpillow

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #82 on: October 16, 2024, 04:01:41 PM »

@coldpillow why ding wei Băd and not good?if shen make chen zi Water frame,than wei harm zi and combine with Mao like in 2015 so why bad?

Online coldpillow

Re: nin99
« Reply #83 on: October 17, 2024, 03:24:15 AM »
It was explained in my first ever reply:

Fire LP is only good if you pair up with metal and earth people like your father.

We all need 5 elements to complete the cycle. From wood to fire to earth to metal to water (you). 

Without metal, the energy flow/transition will be disrupted and stop at earth, which will restrict water (you).

That's how I read it. I won't elaborate on other interpretations.

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #84 on: October 23, 2024, 10:11:23 AM »
I just took some time to check your father's bazi chart:

From what I see:
Wood combination in your charts weaken your father's earth and clash with his metal.

So, a mediating element is required as a buffer or a bridge. For you, it's fire.

If you work with your father during favorable LPs where mediating element is present, there should be no serious clash.

Fire LP is good for you in this perspective: relationship with your father.

I guess Ji You LP is good because it favors metal combination (kills wood). Wu Shen LP is bad because it favors water combination (grows wood).


IMO, your chart is easier to understand with more context from your father's chart.

ji you-just 2015 2014 2013 2018 where good-i guess 2018 is wu shen lp!
2022 2023 better than 2019 2020 2021-except with my mother health

hi @coldpillow

I read god because mao break shen zi chen-
and is good because nobleman

2022 make big mone first part of year-because in my viwe is fire combination yin si shen-shen from lp yin from ap si from daymaster

just my opinion
« Last Edit: October 23, 2024, 10:18:34 AM by nin99 »

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #85 on: October 23, 2024, 10:14:13 AM »
George [nin99], did you READ CAREFULLY the reading I gave you?.  I think I was VERY CLEAR in explaining that WATER and WOOD are harmful to you and can at any given moment burst your Natal Chart [those Energies ARE dangerous to use in YOUR Fengshui. In fact, in your case they should NOT be used. Unless very specific energy situations arise in the course of your existence and there are SUFFICIENT reasons to use them].

Why do you complicate your life, without any need?

It is very easy and economical to download the Chinese ideogram WU (Earth Yang) from the Internet and enlarge it a little [if possible apply a Brown color that symbolizes a Mountain]. You simply have to go to your Direct Officer who, as I had described, is the same Star Minister for your date of birth.

You can attach or paste that WU image (with a little imagination) to a globe (it can be found at a stationery store or anywhere they sell geography supplies for schools). In the worst case you can use a ceramic vessel or any element that represents the Earth. A painting that has mountains could be another option. In any case, the Chinese Letter [Ideogram] WU (Yang Earth) is the one that must prevail.

In which parts should you place that Yantra? Well, it's very easy: the correct thing is to determine in your room in which Palaces or Grids there is Metal (that is recharged). Each Chinese year you must determine with a Geomantic Chart (some free software is available online) in which part the Negative Metal [Flying Stars] is and WU should be placed there. You have to learn to use a Luo Pan Compass (and if it is very difficult for you to buy one, you could use one of those that sell camping supplies. They are NOT very suitable for these cases, but they can get you out of trouble).

If for some reason you are NOT able to find out when the home where you live was completed or what year it was first occupied; In that case, you would have to use logic and a sense of direction (the latter is not the best way, but sometimes it is necessary to do it that way).

I'll come back and tell you, I have many responsibilities with my work and I DO NOT have time to write, but if you have any questions, I'm sure that one of your colleagues, collaborators or administrators will help you in the Forum.

I did what MASTER @DiegoFS told me to do!
I put both ji and wu -so maybe GOD exist

wu lp-wu shen lp ar eryou agree first 5 years are ruled by wu-last five by shen then why bad -2020 2021 if wu birth geng and xin-and support water!are you agree with me!?that earth from lp can transform if meet metal ap!

what type of school are you?

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #86 on: October 23, 2024, 01:48:57 PM »
put ji and wu at 7 anual star location and natal!

very strange-but work for me!

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #87 on: October 23, 2024, 05:50:18 PM »
Another two things that I asked my father
He made first big money when I was 19 years în  2006 my lp was xu geng

Bing gui ren ding
Chen și zi mao

My father is ding my mother as master @JLim (Darma W) told me în my case is mao
So xu from lp combine geng xu în 2006 also Bing xu year in xu month from 2006.xu transform mao into fire and protect the ding and mao.ding is father,my rich father not ding
Xu also fire

My father was în yin chou lp
Ding ji xin ji
Mao you wei chou
So chou lp is right timing from him.chou also metal frame or money Machines from him

My fall 2019
I read strong body shen lp shen zi chen destroy the source of money or mao plus hai from ap

2009 anither hope will help
Wu ding geng chou
Shen you wu chou
În this date I had an transitory cerebral problem maybe because you from lp plus chou from ap plus și și chou you make metal frame that attack the brain or wood.

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #88 on: October 23, 2024, 06:18:54 PM »
Another opinion
În this case more earth=more water because of chen zi water frame,here chen can be read as another water element??!
Thank you!

Offline nin99

Re: nin99
« Reply #89 on: October 24, 2024, 11:50:12 AM »
so last and last question-how this chart is really work,work in real life

how my bazi works in reality, in real life, not theoretically- I need yang earth-what's my position , fire that is my money and wood—but yang wood not yin—because yin is the representation of Mao—and I have Mao-day that can create problems in real life

if wood and fire are strong=strong and new source of money?

2015 2019
2015 my mao appear,and zi from natal chart will try to break it ,my luckily for me wei come and harm zi-this is the year when I become super rich of my own,probably my lp was you and harm zi
2019 the new lp is shen -and make strong body zi chen shen=water frame
so again like in 2015 -it s about source of money or mao-so hai mao=strong wood,so strong body shen zi chen,destroy the source of money hai mao?

1.first case was dry earth and lp harm the body and zi-so zi not so strong because of you-2015
2.second case meet water element and yang water from my original bazi-meet branch in 2019 -so was an water and rob wealth year,and shen again -hidden rob wealth-that s why was an disaster
3.2021 on this date
yang water xin xin
shen  chou chou
this was the date when start to loose the all control of my father wealth in totally.
4.if I try to do dermatology and dental university and learn a 3 language like croatian and change my life by solo-will I have a chance ?

thank you,for you time!


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