Author Topic: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.  (Read 15326 times)

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Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #15 on: May 24, 2024, 07:37:46 PM »
Let's move to China. All pagodas of a certain period are octagonal. I will not discuss what religion they now belong to and what official historians say about them. The principle of all buildings is the same. Octagon in cross section. With the highest possible center of mass. No religion, except Taoism - antiquity, needs such buildings. They have no such ritual. There is also no principle of the influence of a large mass on a small mass. Essentially, BaZi is the influence of the mass of the Sun and the Earth, as well as their relative position on a person. I Ching fortune telling uses the same principle. The mass of a person affects the mass of coins. And by the condition of the coins we diagnose the condition of a person. Essentially this is a self-diagnosis. The principle follows from this. The heavier the building, the greater the impact it has. And the harder it is to influence her. The second photo shows a pagoda made of CAST IRON. 21 m. And I already read about this in another building.

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #16 on: May 24, 2024, 10:38:54 PM »
The structures of the Capitol dome in Washington are made of cast iron. And the dome of St. Isaac's Cathedral in St. Petersburg. I found the largest brick dome. Cathedral of Santa Maria del Fiore. 4 million bricks. Each brick weighs 4 kg. We get the weight of the dome with the solution, say 20,000 tons. To the maximum. The height of the dome with a cross is 114 m. Diameter is 42 m. The dome is octagonal in shape. Why is this for the Catholic faith?

The Capitol dome officially weighs 6,400 tons.

The dome of the Pantheon in Rome is made of concrete. The oldest Pantheon is made of concrete. Which they then forgot and made everything out of brick. What actually happened then?

Let's return to our facts. First, all Taoist-ancient temples in Russia and China are closed and transferred to other religions. I'm guessing all over the world. Then large temples are built according to the Taoist-antique scheme in London, Paris, Washington. Or they capture it and rename it. The houses around the Temple of Invalides in Paris - they shout - we are built according to the canons :). For now I will draw this conclusion. Because in all the buildings I have listed, the center of mass is in the rotunda under the dome. You may notice that this is not the case now at the same temple in Florence... But these round windows. Like the round temple in Russia. They do not comply with any canons of Catholicism. They are difficult to make, and all late-built temples work primarily with straight lines.

Vatican. Columbia region. City in London. Where the buildings are located are separate legal entities. For example, the monarch of Great Britain can only enter the City with the approval of the Lord Mayor of the City. These buildings are officially a different jurisdiction than the rest of the country.

And I’ll remind you. All of the above is my private subjective opinion.

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #17 on: May 26, 2024, 09:24:07 PM »
I wrote above about the conditions for a Taoist-ancient temple. But down there, under the center of mass, is an altar with incense and offerings. Many people will not gather there due to the specific timing of the sacrifices. But this did not stop Comrade Stalin. He decided to build the Palace of the Soviets 400+ meters high. The capacity of the main hall is 30 thousand people. The plan shows that the center of mass was designed to be higher than the assembly hall. This is why additional support pylons were needed.
In cross-section, the building was circular. The foundation has already been made. But Hitler attacked the USSR. Suddenly. But for some reason it seems to me that it is precisely because of this project. Hitler was interested in Tibet and esotericism. And Stalin clearly had access to the correct information on antiquity. And he wasn’t shy about showing it. The exhibition of achievements he built is an exact replica of the complete temple complex of antiquity. Only instead of Gods there are workers and peasant women.

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #18 on: June 02, 2024, 07:04:26 PM »
I will no longer make predictions for the year on DM, nor on events. On DM - too valuable information, even in such a short form. Life is leaving the forum sections with free questions for a year. And on events - too much data. And right now is the time when Russia resembles a ball falling from the edge of a table. The center of mass has already passed the point of no return, but the fall is not yet noticeable. It seems that everything is fine. And June is like an executioner for many people with DM Yang Metal. The time when wood overcomes metal. What does this look like in nature? Rusty bicycles or agricultural machinery grown into a tree.

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #19 on: June 02, 2024, 10:59:51 PM »
From June to mid-July, events will occur or decisions will be made that will affect the entire world.

In this context, I am interested in the climate. The Inquisition burned thousands of people. For doing mathematics. What they called mathematics then is not what we call mathematics now. And working with weather, water and fire is one of the activities of the Gods. Perhaps the Gods have now been reborn and influence the situation through the weather. Without advertising themselves. I was prompted to think like this by a video about an island near Australia. It rains there every day after lunch. Always. No scientific theory can explain this. There is an ocean nearby and powerful sea and air currents. But they do not affect this rain in any way. Therefore, it is possible that air currents can be controlled. And this is enough to create a desert where yesterday there was an oasis. And vice versa.

Therefore, it is possible that the news will not tell us about the main events in the world.

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #20 on: July 04, 2024, 05:53:34 PM »
I looked at Biden, Trump. And Putin. In 2026, Trump and Putin will have health problems. Serious ones. Because the year is in resonance. And Biden's pillars of luck will change to good ones, and 2026 will be one of the best for him. How all this will play out will be unexpected. But everyone can see. The change in the influence of the resonance of yang wood to yang fire is already underway. It can be seen from the requests to look at the relationship in the couple. Very cardinal changes in directions.

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #21 on: July 14, 2024, 09:45:24 PM »
Kill Trump on his good day - you saw the result. There is no doubt that the Secret Service was in the know. The roof of the house is not even a window. And they let him fire 10 shots until it became clear that it was a failure. And then the perpetrator was removed. The gods are on Trump's side. I will not publish the time and conditions when the assassination attempt could be most effective. There is a possibility that they will try again. For example, blowing up a car. Like the recent attempt on the Saudi prince. As soon as a new Democratic candidate appears, I will compare him to Trump.


The number of shots fired at Trump varies in different sources. 5, 8, 10. But a clarification. They shot from the roof of an industrial building from 150 meters. Usually snipers and special services occupy all the dominant roofs. But it seems that this is not the case :).
« Last Edit: July 14, 2024, 10:03:53 PM by Spiritsfan »

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #22 on: August 08, 2024, 03:21:45 PM »
I wanted to look at this day specifically - my expectations were met. Day and year collide with month. Strong earthquakes.

Trump is still the strongest candidate. Kamala Harris has bad pillars of luck and worse influence of this year


I specifically checked the local astronomical time of the earthquake with the greatest magnitude on a special website. The hour corresponds to the month. 16 hours 30 minutes solar time.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2024, 03:37:47 PM by Spiritsfan »

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #23 on: September 28, 2024, 12:01:02 AM »
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Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #24 on: September 28, 2024, 12:35:28 AM »
Answering the question about how godparents can be seen in the BaZi chart... I suddenly remembered that astrologers used to be burned at the stake. And before, it was called mathematics, not astrology. This means that such people were a MORTAL danger to the authorities. This is a very good marker for introspection. If your knowledge gives you the ability to influence the life around you, you have the right tool. If not, your knowledge is paganism. Something that only you have on your tongue. Just words that do not turn into actions and events. My personal opinion: Any knowledge and religion that does not give you unique properties is paganism. If you know something that others do not know. Can do something that others cannot do, you possess something divine. For example, you walk on water, or predict the birth of the Messiah, like the Sibyls. Moreover, the Sibyls are not denied (!) by official Catholicism. But at the same time, official Catholicism prohibits prophecy and predictions. And you have heard more often about moirae and oracles. Everything I have written above is for reflection. Why did they burn people at the stake at all? There are cheaper ways of killing. What if (?!) the time has come for those who burned people in past lives to end up on the stake of history themselves? When Medvedev mentioned Jupiter's Thunder from the Sky, in connection with the use of nuclear weapons, the teaching of karma was clearly underestimated by many. It seems that politicians are not afraid of a nuclear war. And they are even doing everything to make it happen. On both sides of the conflict.
« Last Edit: September 28, 2024, 12:40:37 AM by Spiritsfan »

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #25 on: October 06, 2024, 02:03:22 AM »
Opinions have started to spread here, through experts. That Russia may have problems with nuclear warheads. They need to be stored in certain conditions. And restored. Nuclear warheads degrade from their own radiation. But there are either no qualified specialists, or very few. Or the military does not monitor warheads properly, and does not carry out routine maintenance. A completely possible situation. After all, Putin's leaders do not look to the future. Their motto is to solve problems as they arise. I continue to observe. And I am observing October 7, 20-00 2024.
« Last Edit: October 06, 2024, 02:07:29 AM by Spiritsfan »

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #26 on: October 07, 2024, 09:54:18 PM »
October 7, 2024. Earthquake in Iran. Corresponding to the explosion of a 25 kiloton nuclear warhead. Everyone is talking about a test, because there were no aftershocks. With a natural earthquake of this magnitude, they always happen. In the end, all in one. And Iran. Didn't expect it.

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #27 on: November 04, 2024, 05:16:50 PM »
I am interested in the US elections, only from the point of view of whether the results will please @coldpillow or not :) . I don't care about any of the candidates. And I made this prediction simply based on the theory of Taoist BaZi. I was interested in earthquakes and changes in Russia and other monarchies - dictatorships. The Heavenly Yang Tree is any one-man power. And here the US elections are playing out the prediction like clockwork. Moreover, if Harris officially wins, I wonder how much they will pay for it. Gods do not like it when mortals cross their path.

Online coldpillow

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #28 on: November 07, 2024, 04:25:56 AM »
That means Biden will lose the election and Trump will win!

 :D ;D

The signs were so obvious. Biden was no longer fit physically and mentally to run.

And for the record, I'm not a MAGA fanboy.

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: Forecast for 2024 for each DM.
« Reply #29 on: November 07, 2024, 09:20:12 AM »
That means Biden will lose the election and Trump will win!

 :D ;D

The signs were so obvious. Biden was no longer fit physically and mentally to run.

And for the record, I'm not a MAGA fanboy.

You haven't brought it to my attention yet, I haven't even looked at the elections. That's why I mentioned you. So Biden wasn't in the election race. I don't even know if the Democrats had a candidate who was better than Trump according to the BaZi chart. I don't know anyone from the Democrats.  :D


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