Author Topic: About next year(career/wealth)  (Read 1887 times)

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Offline beamuda

About next year(career/wealth)
« on: November 13, 2024, 08:31:39 PM »
Hello! I would like to ask your opinion on how my next year could go and if there is something I should take note of or be careful of. I do creative stuff on social media and wonder if next year could be auspicious on that regard or should I lay low. Of course, I would like to make it big one day and create income that way. Any help will be appreciated!

female 25.08.1994 02:48AM birthplace Rovaniemi, Finland

Online smsek

Re: About next year(career/wealth)
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2024, 01:33:56 AM »
西元: 1994年 8月25日 2時48分  0秒           性別:女性 
八字:                        大運(虛歲)  
     時    日    月    年    7 →  17 辛未
     柱    柱    柱    柱   17 →  27 庚午
     :    :    :    :  ★27 →  38 己巳
     比         劫    傷   38 →  48 戊辰
     肩         財    官   48 →  58 丁卯
     癸    癸    壬    甲   58 →  67 丙寅
     丑    未    申    戌   67 →  77 乙丑
    辛癸己  乙丁己  戊壬庚  丁辛戊  77 →  87 甲子
    偏比七  食偏七  正劫正  偏偏正  87 →  96 癸亥
    印肩殺  神財殺  官財印  財印官 

Online smsek

Re: About next year(career/wealth)
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2024, 01:36:04 AM »
For this Bazi chart, let’s go through the key components, focusing on her main elements, Day Master strength, and upcoming Luck Pillars to address her questions about next year.

### Chart Analysis
1. **Day Master**: Her Day Master is 癸 (Gui Water), represented in the Day Pillar. This makes her chart water-based, with 癸水 being the Day Master.
2. **Elemental Balance**:
   - Year Pillar: 甲戌 (Jia Wood, Xu Earth) - Wood over Earth
   - Month Pillar: 壬申 (Ren Water, Shen Metal) - Water over Metal
   - Day Pillar: 癸未 (Gui Water, Wei Earth) - Water over Earth
   - Hour Pillar: 癸丑 (Gui Water, Chou Earth) - Water over Earth
   Water is quite strong in this chart, supported by Metal and additional Water. She also has a good presence of Earth, which can act as a resource for Water. The absence of Fire is notable, as it could provide some balance by controlling Metal and regulating Earth.

3. **Favorable Elements**:
   - With a strong Water Day Master, favorable elements are typically **Fire** (for wealth generation) and **Wood** (to sustain Earth and help balance Water's dominance).
   - **Earth** is also beneficial as a secondary element because it provides a stabilizing resource for the Water Day Master, though excessive Earth could drain Water.

4. **Current Luck Pillar**: 己巳 (Ji Si) from ages 27 to 38, which started in 2021.
   - The 己 (Ji Earth) provides Earth energy that supports Water, while 巳 (Si Fire) introduces Fire, helping her financially and potentially enhancing visibility and recognition, which aligns with her creative aspirations.
   - Fire as a Wealth element is beneficial and auspicious in her current phase, especially for career growth in social media, where recognition and popularity are essential.

### Forecast for Next Year (2025)
1. **Annual Pillar of 2025**: 乙巳 (Yi Si)
   - The Year Stem 乙 (Yi Wood) helps Earth by nourishing it, while the Year Branch 巳 (Si Fire) introduces more Fire energy.
   - This combination of Wood and Fire could bring supportive energy to her endeavors, especially those involving creativity, social media presence, or wealth generation. It also indicates potential recognition or favorable results, especially if she continues working on her creative projects.

2. **Opportunities and Cautions**:
   - **Creative Ventures**: Given the introduction of Fire (Wealth element), 2025 should support her creative work, bringing possible financial benefits or an increase in visibility if she actively promotes herself.
   - **Balance in Workload**: Since the chart lacks inherent Fire, she should be careful about overextending herself or working too hard, as Fire can sometimes lead to burnout when introduced to an already intense Water environment. This might be a good year to maintain a steady, consistent effort rather than taking on too much all at once.

3. **Advice on Going Big or Laying Low**:
   - The presence of Fire (Wealth element) and Wood (resource for creativity) suggests she should take advantage of the year to pursue her creative goals with more enthusiasm and try to expand her social media presence. This is a favorable year to work towards "making it big," as her Luck Pillar and the Annual Pillar align well with her goals.

### Summary
2025 appears to be an auspicious year for her creative and social media ventures, and she could potentially see growth in both recognition and income. She may consider this a good time to actively pursue her goals and aim for more visibility, provided she keeps a balanced approach to avoid burnout.

Offline beamuda

Re: About next year(career/wealth)
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2024, 10:38:13 PM »
Thank you so much! I have noticed the lack of my fire and wood, and have really honed in on trying to incorporate fire elements in my life(in any ways I can and understand haha). But they indeed can burn me out fast! I think going forward, I will try to remember the wood as well. I will remember this next year  :D

Offline Spiritsfan

Re: About next year(career/wealth)
« Reply #4 on: November 15, 2024, 11:20:14 AM »

The next 5+ years are the worst in your life. It is recommended to communicate less with people with your BaZi chart. And one more thing. I will soon make an application for Android - it will help you in theory. You will look for yourself the time of unfavorable periods according to astronomical time. If you like it, of course. I am making it for such people too - who are now in bad pillars of luck. I use something similar myself, but it was released a long time ago. If, of course, you are interested in this topic.

Offline nin99

Re: About next year(career/wealth)
« Reply #5 on: November 15, 2024, 04:39:06 PM »
@smsek you are very ,very good!


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