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My daughter was born in January 18, 2012, at 2 am Jakarta time.Someone told me that:- she won't get along with her husband- she's advised NOT to have kids as her kids will be 'defected or lacking'-she'll have to work hard only to earn little.Of course, no parents would be happy to know that their kids will suffer like this. But we can't change our destiny either.Anyone can give some insight about her future? Thank you so much in advance🙏
@coldpillowThank you so much for your very valuable advice. Yes, I petsonally have strong fire, and so far she lives well with me as I support her emotionally, physically, & financially.I hate fighting with her as she can be more fierce & aggressive than me. She hates it when I tell her to manage her money well saying that it's her money & she does whatever she wants with it. I'm looking for softer ways on how to let her trust me manage her finances. So if she goes out of town to pursue her career later is not a good idea except if I also stay with her?@MangpaiLover,Thank you so much for your contribution. "Chasing more money for this chart is not desirable, it will lead to more issues for her.hence, better to focus on other aspects of life. Water as wealth birth more wood bring stress to owners."Could you please give me some examples of "other aspects of life" which are supposed to be more suitable for her?@renThank you so much for your time & effort to analyse my kid's chart.Yes, I know nothing about her biological father. Even her biological mother never tells me where he is. But he is in difference province as us, far away from where I live. It's good to know which path I should take for her own good and the potential possibilities that might have in the future.Thank you so much 🙏