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I combine Western and Chinese astrology. for example my forecast for 2024:The Dragon is the 12th house by position, so everything secret and intimate will burst into our lives. Since the tree is an educational activity, I believe the peak of astrological education will be, although in recent years interest in astrology among ordinary people has increased significantly, but in 2024 all records will be broken. Therefore, go ahead! record courses, master classes, conferences, etc., etc. Also, since the dragon is wooden, this is an image of printed literature, which means that some kind of book will be published, the main book, an important book because the sign is imperial, so we keep an eye on the latest in astrological literature or the general release of secret materials.
The Dragon is the 12th house
I have been in Chinese astrology for more than 10 years, and in Western astrology even more, about 17, and specifically in traditional astrology, not popular. I am well acquainted with project Hindsight. Such research as a horse and a pedestal is not sophistry This is proof of a unified system.Oh, let's not brag about anything, compete or prove anything. You are the best, judging by this bazi!This is your natal, right?
Why did you spend 17 of the best years of your life on astrology? What would be an example to prove that your astrology does not work?
I'm talking about the accuracy of astrological forecasts and the history of astrology. These questions have no impact on my happiness. Replacing unprofessionalism with sophistry is a very cheap trick. Surface. But popular among metaphysicians .
@Gmuli Why don’t they talk about God in zodiac astrology now? Mystery.