Ok let me practice some traditional Bazi:
This chart combination can only either be born 1936 or 1996...suspect is 1996

So I use 1996 chart.
The solitary star is a Shen Sha or Symbolic Star thing, correct?
We take the year branch of natal chart, and there will be a corresponding branch star, whereby if found in any of the other 3 branches, will signify loneliness or solitary.
For Zi year, it will be Yin.
Yin is found on Day Pillar.
From Ten Gods perspective:Firstly, I'm not well verse with this, but I am guessing this lady is weak day master, because Wu born in Zi winter + chart is mainly made up of elements that clash or drain the day master. Like the Jia and Yin as suppressing elements, 3 Zi water that drains the Wu, Geng also. Only the Bing helps, but only 1 and one pillar away, so not strong enough support.
So with that established, the problem might lie with the 3 Zi, which means her wealth luck is very strong. Specific to discussing relationships, strong wealth would likely mean she is seeking many things of value to her emotionally. 3 seems is above "normal" amounts.
But strong wealth and weak day master, means she can't achieve those emotional wants. This I think might be 1 of 2 keys to why her relationship is unstable - pressure on partner on too many emotional wants.
2nd key is her 100% yang chart. 100% yang people are likely more brazen, bold and forward with their approaches, and likely she invokes her over-demanding emotional needs kn the partner too strongly, adding to the pressure.
Pressure then leads to arguments and instability.
If I use the above ideas and investigate based on elemental flow, problematic points in recent years might be 2020, 2021, and 2023.
2020, Zi is exposed branch, likely injured some time during the year causing her to be very emotionally unstable I think...
2021, Zi combine with Chou, still emotionally unstable, but less.
2023, LP You clashes annual Mao.
Mao is luck with males, which is bad for relationship.
That's all I could glean quickly.