Author Topic: Suitable career for my kid  (Read 1815 times)

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Offline vema

Suitable career for my kid
« on: November 29, 2023, 11:07:35 AM »
My daughter was born on January 18th, 2012, at around 3:20 am, in Jakarta.

I found there is NO water & NO fire element in her birth chart. I've also read somewhere that the element(s) we lack or don't have in our birth chart is the suitable career element. But from another source it days that:

"Your Five Elements (Wu Xing) have too many Wood and are lack of Water and Fire. Your Day Master is Earth and it needs to be supported by Metal element. Also, you should avoid to have more Water."

She doesn't have water element but she must NOT have water element as her career?

Can anyone explain this? So what career/job element is suitable for her based on her chart?

Thank you so much in advance🙏🙏🙏

Offline ren

Re: Suitable career for my kid
« Reply #1 on: November 30, 2023, 04:04:02 AM »
Hi Vema,

Please don't waste your time trying to read your daughter's chart. You will only drive yourself nuts
and anybody here who try to help you here.

Why are you concerned about your daughter's career options? How is she doing in school?


"You and I Are Disappearing" Yusef Komunyakaa

Online coldpillow

Re: Suitable career for my kid
« Reply #2 on: November 30, 2023, 05:06:10 AM »
Can you tell more details about the situation of your daughter?

She's only 11 years old. It's possible that her future career may not exist yet and it's also possible that her career is difficult to define because it's very unusual. Academic life may have little influence in her success because most of her useful skills are either self-taught or acquired from random sources.

I can only guess that she's not suitable for typical 9-5 jobs, whether in a corporate or running her own business.


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