The hanged man is a card that speaks of the yoga system, whereby the body is often placed in such a position that is most conducive to the practice of hatha yoga, or body posture, in this card we see the man being hanged upside down, but what must be noted is that the positioning is actually helpful for the flow of kundalini energy, which would otherwise be difficult to conduct vertically along the spine upward, so the downward placing of the body is supposed to use gravitational energy to pull the inner juice towards the top most of the head, or the crown chakra, hence the halo appearing in the man's head is representative of the result being achieved, that is the flow of energy or elan vital reaching the top of the head produces a certain "enlightening" experience (12)
The lover is the card of sexual abstinence, where the man and the woman is kept separate, as shown by the figure in the cloud having his 2 hands set aside, as if warning the couple not to engage in sexual activity, the mountain peak at the background suggest the impending explosion of volcanic eruption should the two reach their climax through coitus, but what is suggested here is mainly for the man, his sexual energy is shown as fire on a tree, and the woman, as fruit being tempted by the snake
The sun is the card of enlightenment and it is not surprising that it occupies the last number of the major arcana, 19, almost last, the card shows a child riding in a horse, which is actually an allusion to the fact that the "twice born" or dvija in the hindu scripture is a child, in his most primitive and pristine form, the man being reborn into a child, and like jesus said that only those who are like little children shall enter the kingdom of God, the child here riding a horse suggest that this is not a helpless child but actually one who has conquered, or been victorious and is now riding the horse home, this concept is furthermore illustrated by the picture of the sun with its radiating rays, suggesting also of enlightenment or light, awareness
The moon is a card of warning as to the impact that the emotions coupled with the effect of the lunar can have on the mind and soul of individuals men and women, who are in celibacy, the concept of celibacy is emphasised by the two separate towers, with only one opening (the sexual outlet), and the moon with its pensive and hypnotic rays is causing the darker elements of nature to emerge from its depth, such as the scorpio, a symbolisation of secrecy and sexual impetus, and the wolves, this card tells us to beware of sexual energy that may go diverted in the wrong way should it be kept in abstinence without careful deliberation
The tower on the other hand is what results if man and woman are allowed to go through intercourse, which is almost always detrimental to the spiritual pursuit, which is why celibacy is a must, the woman and the man, after reaching their climax, is thrown down the tower by the climax (the thunder), this suggests that the alluring aspect of sex and its promise of fulfilment is never fruitified, as shown the towers which should have only one opening, is now having three opening, and the fire from the disappointment that sex brings, it promise much but after climax is reached, both man and woman fall from the peak crestfallen
The death card is misunderstood, it is not death in the physical aspect alone, but also the thought of death, the preparation that one must go through to eventually face death, hence the religious man in the card is somehow trying to resolve or to negotiate a deal with death, surrounded by dying or unconscious people, with the exception of the child, who seems not to be afraid of the idea of death, in the far, the two tower, suggesting of celibacy is having a rising sun, suggesting one to keep on the religious quest
The temperance card is a card that advice us to heed the channeled information or the hints and message that the divine world has for us, we see an angel, with a spot on his third eye point, the upward pointing triangle, and the wide-spread wing, suggesting his power, he is pouring water from a higher cup to a lower placed cup, and one of his foot is above the water and the other touching it, this suggest that he is between two worlds, or between the lower and the higher, and he is acting as a conduit to relay the message between the two
THe fool is the beginning and the end, the source and the goal, hence is number zero, he has an inner white clothing, a white flower in his hand, a white dog as a companion, and white sun, the color white suggest his innocence, which is both the beginning and the end, a child starts out innocent, and a wise man end up being innocent, being fearless of death
The strength card is about the power of god, or of infinity, as shown by the infinity symbol on the woman, the woman though seemingly weak as a consequence of being the fairer sex, is actually subduing a lion, her strength comes from being with the infinity despite her seeming weakness as a woman
The magician is actually another name for God, because it carries the number 1, we knows that there is one God, one world and all is one, or as the HIndu calls it the non-dual, the number one comes not as a coincidence because the magician is having the infinity symbol on his head, suggesting that he has known, but also he is a master of the four elements, as shown on the table, because being one with God means one is a master of all the element, one of his hand is pointing to the sky, suggesting that he is aware of the angelic or upper realm, and his other hand pointing downward, all this tells us what being God is all about, master of the elements and the 3 worlds. We can see the reality and presence of the upper world by the flowers hanging up and below
The devil card is a card of bondage by sexual relation, the fire, which is the fire torch of sex, is held downward, a wasting and flowing downward movement of sex, and the other hand he shows his fingers being parted in the middle, which is the separation rather reunion aspect of sex, the man and woman are bonded and held slaves to each other, not of each other but of the devil, the sexual desire and fulfilment, hence the devil card is warning of sex as a bondage it not used properly